So you had a shitty day, week, month, year, couple years or whatever

“This is the worst day ever”


“Ugh I hate my life”

I often find myself saying these things… without any thought to whether I could actually qualify my day as being the worst I have ever experienced. It’s a totally hyperbolic statement made by most of us on a regular basis because something small went wrong: You missed your bus, you were late for your shift, you got yelled at by your parents/teacher/boss, Tim Hortons ran out of egg for your breakfast wrap etc. Usually, ten minutes later you’re feeling perfectly fine again.

But what happens when something big goes wrong? What do you do when you can actually fairly say that your day or month or year was HORRIBLE?

Well I’ve had a horrible couple of years. My grandmother and my mother died of cancer within a couple months of each other. I had my biggest heartbreak of my life. I had a nervous breakdown and messed up my school year. I had incredible drama with a couple of my good friends. And I had a couple more personal issues that I’d prefer not to publish.

Now some of you may be wondering how so much shit could happen to a person in the span of a year and a half. Others may be thinking “pfffffff I’ve gone through worse.” For me, this year was basically rock bottom.

I’m doing much better now so I thought I’d share some of the things that I did (or didn’t do but totally wish I did) to get through it.

  1. Don’t make any life-changing decisions. Actually… try and keep any sort of decision making to a minimal. Emotional trauma + big decisions = bad. [I moved to another city, started university and then got an apartment… None of which turned out very well.]
  2. Be a little self-indulgent. Go eat that tub of ben&jerry’s. Watch 5 seasons of your favourite show. Sleep in. Wallow in self pity. Buy yourself that ____ you’ve been wanting. [I did all of these things.] Just don’t get into it lest you become a depressed shut-in and your friends have to stage an intervention.
  3. Get physical. Put on some booty shorts and dance in front of your mirror. Or go for a run; bike ride; work out.. Whatever is your thing. But honestly – what is better than dancing in front of your mirror?
  4. Make yourself laugh. Watch the comedy network or YouTube stand-up comedy. Watch a hilarious movie. Cat videos. Hang out with whichever friend makes you laugh the most.
  5. Do yo thang, gurl. Dye your hair whatever colour you want. Try break-dancing. All your friends are taking gym but you want to take creative writing? Do it. This is your life and your life it going kind of shitty so YOU do what YOU think will make YOU happy.
  6. Escape. Go on a trip to visit your best friend in another city. Or go camping. Distract yourself a little. A temporary change in environment is freeing. And it can get you out of a funk if you’re in one. [hint: do this after you’re done wallowing in self pity…]
  7. Express yourself. Talk about it or write about it.

or twerk it out….