First World Problems

It has become commonplace to hear the term “First World Problem” used among friends, on websites; there is even a meme dedicated to this newly coined phrase.

The first definition for problem found on the online Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines it as “something that is difficult to deal with: something that is a source of trouble, worry, etc.”

The idea is, that the problem in question is something only someone living in the privileged “First World,” i.e. Western developed countries, would consider a problem. Therefore it is superficial and/or inane.

I totally understand why this has become a regularly used term and I think it is positive that people are showing some sort of awareness of how much we have to be thankful for in the “First World” and how much complaining we often do.

However, let’s be real here. Our “First World Problems” are still sources of trouble! They drive you crazy, and sometimes elicit strong emotional reactions (usually disproportionately so but whatever.)

Without further ado, I am going to be a huge brat and offer you my top _ First World Problems sans memes.

  1. I am not sure whether I consider the new phenomenon of sneakers with a hidden wedge cute or hideously ugly.


    cute or horrible?

  2. There is really no opportunity to make a living out of being a philosopher. Like the type of philosopher teenagers think of, ones that sit around and think really deep thoughts. The ones that are having a permanent existential crisis. I wish I could get paid to philosophize.

    also, why is there no philosopher's stone? Nick Flamel? Anyone?

    also, why is there no philosopher’s stone? Nick Flamel? Anyone?

  3. Whenever I do my make-up in artificial light and then go out into nature, I look like an oompa loompa (minus the green hair). There is something about my bedroom lighting that makes it seem like I never have enough bronzer on. No matter how much I dust onto myself, I end up looking like Snow White’s distant cousin. BUT SUDDENLY when I’m outside in natural lighting I look like an orange.

    cute, but not the look I’m going for. EVER

  4. There is no longer a leisure class. Think of they families present in Jane Austen who have a living from their land and don’t really do anything but read and enjoy art. They have balls and play card games and spend long séjours at the residences of friends and families. Maybe this class exists among the crazy wealthy and crazy lucky but it’s hard to imagine even someone rich off of investments being able to shuffle off to friends’ places for 6 months at a time.

    BALLS! (be mature, we are all adults here)

    BALLS! (be mature, we are all adults here)



And there you have it… What are your most trouble-causing, worry-inducing first world problems?