Academically speaking (I chose my courses for this fall!)

FIRST OF ALL, I’d like to say that I have an overwhelming feeling of resentment towards my university for giving me such a late registration date. Every single one of the incredibly interesting courses I was gearing up to take were FULL. 

Finding courses that also worked for my schedule was near impossible.. I have a 2 hour commute next year, there was no way that I would be going in more than 2 days a week. Seriously, I don’t even like my school. 

SO without further ado… Here are the courses that I will be taking next year:

  • Introduction aux études canadiennes. (Introduction to Canadian studies)
  • Ancient Philosophy and Political Theory (you know… Plato and Aristotle and stuff)
  • History of Modern Europe 
  • Roman féminin des 17e, 18e et 19e siècles. (Feminine [feminist is probably more accurate] novels of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries)

I am actually excited despite the fact that I did not originally choose any of these courses. I’m just excited to learn things. I like learning things. I totally disregarded my major this year and took classes I am interested in. I want to transfer anyway so what the heck.